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Plarad Hydraulic Torque Wrenches

Plarad hydraulic torque wrenches are used in many industrial environments, in the building industry, in onshore and offshore installations and workshops. Many models can be delivered in designs that meet the specifications stated in the ATEX Directive (for explosion hazardous environments, such as gas installations). The speed and ergonomics of these wrenches makes them cost-effective tools.

All Plarad hydraulic torque wrenches are robust models, with spherical transmission, bronze layering, overpressure valve and in various capacities and for all possible square drives and wrench widths Plarad wrenches are precise and easy to use. Despite the fact that their housing is made of high-strength alloy, the Plarad torque wrenches from the various Plarad series are relatively light. The Plarad hydraulic torque wrenches are also an excellent choice from a health and safety point of view, thanks to their ergonomical design.

Plarad manufactures electric and pneumatic pumps for powering hydraulic torque wrenches.

Laco sells and rents Plarad hydraulic torque wrenches.

Choosing a hydraulic torque wrench

Would you like to purchase or hire a hydraulic torque wrench? Please ask a professional Laco employee for advice. He will be able to help you choose the most appropriate hydraulic torque wrench for your application and will also advise you on how to use it and combine it with other tools. Laco does not only have a large selection of specialised hydraulic tools, Laco also provides professional advice and an excellent service.

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Which Plarad hydraulic torque wrenches can you find at Laco?

MX-EC / MSX – Hydraulic wrenches with square drive for nut caps, which are, among other matters, used in the chemical, energy extraction and steel building industry. With capacities from 210 to 65,000 Nm.

FSX – Flat hydraulic torque wrenches (“box-shaped”), equipped with a hexagonal wrench width, for works in places that are not easily accessible.  These tools are, among other matters, used in the machine building industry, in wind energy installations and for gas extraction. With capacities from 100 to 45,000 Nm.

K-UX – Hydraulic ring wrenches specially designed for oil and gas extraction, often requiring a high torque in an extremely small space.  For wrench widths from 24 to 170 mm, capacity from 300 to 18,000 Nm.

HPR – For activities in areas with extremely little space, but still requiring a very high torque (for wrench widths from 100 to 300 mm) there are three Plarad hydraulic torque wrenches with an enormous capacity, a double-acting cylinder enables continuous use. Capacities 50,000 to 150,000 Nm.

Plarad hydraulische momentsleutels