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Compressed air piping for a strong, safe and efficient system

A strong, safe and efficient compressed air piping system is an absolute must for your compressed air installation. Our offer of compressed air piping comprises piping systems that are strong and safe. We can supply piping systems to suit your own requirements.

Laco Air Solutions compressed air piping systems

Laco Air Solutions professionally supply and install a wide range of leading brands of piping systems, including:

  • Galvanised piping systems [GF]
  • Aluminium piping systems [SicoAir, Teseo]
  • Plastic piping systems [Girair]

A well-laid compressed air piping system ensures optimum supply and removal of air with losses being kept to a minimum. A leaking piping network will cost you substantial amounts of money. Our years of experience providing advice, design, supply and installation will help contribute to an efficient system.

Our piping network systems provide for the right transport of compressed air to suit your specific application. These systems are corrosion-resistant and do not waste energy and can also readily extended or adjusted by Laco Air Solutions.

Maintenance of your compressed air installation

By carrying out systematic maintenance, your compressed air installation will continue to work efficiently and it will last longer. With the Laco Air Solutions Service & Maintenance contract you will be guaranteed high quality compressed air at all times. For users with high demands, in terms of compressed air quality, we highlight when accessories, such as filters, may need to be replaced, outside of regular maintenance to your compressor and dryer. You can read more about the advantages here!

Would you like more information on compressed air piping?

Then contact our piping network specialists today to make an appointment!